A Code of Practice for the safe installation, operation and maintenance of Thermal Spraying Equipment

Introduction | Preface | Contents | Acknowledgements | Issue Details | TSSEA Home Page


In the production of this Code, the Thermal Spraying and Surface Engineering Association has endeavoured to use the best sources of information known to the Association at the date of publication of the Code. The advice and information are given in good faith and belief of their accuracy. The Code is intended for use by technically competent persons and its use does not, therefore, remove the need for technical and managerial judgement when applying the Code in practical situations and with due regard to local circumstances, nor does it confer any immunity or exemption from relevant legal requirements, including bye-laws.

The onus of responsibility for the application of the guidance in this code is that of the user. The Association, its officers, its members and the individual members of any Working Parties can accept no legal liability or responsibility whatsoever, howsoever arising, for the consequences of the use or misuse of the Code.

For the assistance of users, references are given in the text to sources of information on current Legislation, British Standards and other Codes of Practice relevant at the time of publication that may be applicable. This Code is intended to be read and used in the context of these references where the subjects have a bearing on the local application of the processes or operations carried out by the user.

It should be noted that such documents are continually being updated and whilst the references listed are up to date as at the date of publication, it is advisable to check these before acting upon them.


© Copyright 2015 TSSEA